Appalachian Trail

Pleasure and Pain

Attempted by many yet completed by only a few, this 2200 mile footpath is no joke. Most people complete it in 5-6 month while the fast few do it within 100 days. No matter what your style, the adventure will be filled with joy, pleasure and pain. Dudley completed it over 2 years and it took 4 ½ months in 2022/23.

The Trail

The Appalachian Trail is the longest hiking-only footpath in the world. Found in the USA, it is 2198.4 miles and 464,464 vertical feet from Georgia to Maine.

Hiking it will bring a balance of PLEASURE & PAIN!

The Gear

Dudley spends countless hours researching and testing gear in order to get the “perfect” kit tailored for each adventure and his personal style. Check out the gear he choose for the trail for both 2022 and 2023

The Journey

Very challenging with many rewards. Unfortunately Dudley with taken of the trail with COVID in 2022 after 1069 miles. In 2023 he resumed the hike on the same date and location and finished on August 20th

The Rewards

The trail provided many great experiences. Most of which were the enduring friendships and quality people we met on trail.

The personal challenges and overcoming many hardships, would push the body and spirit to the limit. If you are fortunate enough to complete the trail, the emotional joy is unmatched.


Dudley Documented the Adventure on Video

20 episodes were created (16 released so far). Virtually join Dudley on the hike without getting wet, cold or blisters. 

The following video is a short teaser giving a sneak peek of the “Appalachian Trail Journal” series found on our YouTube channel

Dudley started the Appalachian Trail solo. As the days and weeks past, he befriended many excellent people and was never truly alone. He recorded the complete adventure on video, edited most of it on the trail and uploaded the video whenever he could.

These videos are his “Trail Journal”

Dudley’s Gear

Dudley spends countless hours researching and testing gear in order to get the “perfect” kit tailored for each adventure. Dudley’s gear is constantly evolving as new equipment is designed, innovative fabrics are invented and camping styles change.

Learn more about the Appalachian Trail

Visit the Appalachian Trail Conservancy website to learn more. You may become interested in helping or perhaps even hiking the trail.